Instructions for using the Tab Container template:
Note: there are 2 Sitefinity tabs on the right hand side of this page, "Content" and "Layout". Some template options/widgets will be found in the Content tab and others will be found in the Layout tab.
  1. Navigate to Content tab > Navigation dropdown and drag a ""Navigation widget" onto the page.
  2. Click Edit on the Navigation widget
  3. Choose the radio option for "Custom selection of pages" and click "Change"
  4. Choose the "External URLs" tab and then click "Add external URL".
    Note: All this is doing is creating the titles for the tabs. You only need to provide a Title you do not need to provide a URL, leave this blank.
  5. Navigate to Layout tab > Grid widgets and drag a "tab-container" onto the page directly below the Navigation widget.
  6. Drag and drop any content you would like into each of the tab-container tabs where it says "Tab x content here:"

The Value of Membership


If you’re a CPA, on your way to becoming a CPA or a business professional, you’ve come to the right place. Considered one of the nation’s premier professional associations, The Ohio Society of sbf111胜博发 delivers resources, connections and solutions that engage, enable and empower you and your team.

Lawmakers expect lighter lame duck, leaner budget

Advocacy Enews News

A panel of lawmakers Nov. 7 said they don’t expect a busier than usual lame duck session, and, looking forward to next year’s budget cycle, expect to have a leaner budget due to the end of pandemic-era federal money and lower revenues.

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Week in Review: Nov. 10, 2024


From now through Monday, March 31, 2025, income-eligible Ohioans can receive one-time assistance with their home energy bill through the Ohio Department of Development's Home Energy Assistance Winter Crisis Program.

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AICPA asks IRS for updated cannabis tax guidance


The AICPA is asking the U.S. Department of Treasury and the IRS to issue new guidance to cannabis businesses and tax preparers in anticipation of a change to marijuana’s classification to a Schedule III controlled substance instead of a Schedule I, according to an Oct. 21 letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel.

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Lawmakers expect lighter lame duck, leaner budget

News Advocacy Enews

A panel of lawmakers Nov. 7 said they don’t expect a busier than usual lame duck session, and, looking forward to next year’s budget cycle, expect to have a leaner budget due to the end of pandemic-era federal money and lower revenues.

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Week in Review: Nov. 10, 2024


From now through Monday, March 31, 2025, income-eligible Ohioans can receive one-time assistance with their home energy bill through the Ohio Department of Development's Home Energy Assistance Winter Crisis Program.

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AICPA asks IRS for updated cannabis tax guidance


The AICPA is asking the U.S. Department of Treasury and the IRS to issue new guidance to cannabis businesses and tax preparers in anticipation of a change to marijuana’s classification to a Schedule III controlled substance instead of a Schedule I, according to an Oct. 21 letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel.

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